FBQ Cawfee Talk XVI

The Queen wasn’t planning to talk about the Olympics until our brunch this weekend. However with the closing night ceremonies still fresh in my mind, and dealing with a moping Bianca (obsessed with the Games) now going through withdrawal, I thought I’d spend a few moments sharing with you what I learned over two weeks of The Games.
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FBQ Sticky

FBQ Sunday Brunch will return next week in its fabulously regularly scheduled place.

We will be heading to London to celebrate Black Gay Pride and wrap up the Olympics–ending today. No, Miss Things: I am not breaking into my 401k. But I had to find money for airfare and you don’t wanna know what I’m doing to get it.

Suffice it to say that it involves a whip and lots of WD40.

What I do to stay in your good graces…

Sunday Brunch 6/10/2012

Well, what a fitting category for the 100th Post. And what a fitting time to once again thank everyone who has taken a moment to read my words. When I started this in January, I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that if I kept doing the same thing, I was going to get the same results. As one of my mentors Robert Alexander used to say: “You can’t do what you don’t know, if you keep doing what you know.” So I started doing something that I don’t know: blogging.
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Dear Fierce Black Queen

And now it’s time for another installment (Okay, okay this is the FIRST installment–so don’t go searching the Archives section. I just like the way “another installment” sounds.) of “Dear Fierce Black Queen.” In which I tackle the thousands and thousands of e-mails the Queen receives (Again, bold-face lie. It just makes me feel impressive.) asking for advice on all matters of importance and interest.
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